Task management is the true challenge on the modern world we live in. Time is more precious than ever and the amount of tasks each of us has to cope with is almost endless. The only difference between successful and average people is their ability to manage their tasks effectively. This ability could be improved significantly by using task management software and other task management tools.   Try the following recommended……

How much do your business partners know about your business? How much do your employees? How much do your clients and customers? Poor communication is one of the most common problems for small and growing enterprises. This may appear quite odd considering that the smaller the firm, the better the shorter the lines of communication should be – as there should be fewer persons to deal with. But really in smaller……

Whether you’re an executive, manager, professional, or entrepreneur, you need to think ahead. When you do it in a formal sense, it’s called it planning, when you do it informally it’s something like speculating.   Whether you’re planning or speculating, the exercise rep- resents just the tip of the iceberg. For the plans or scenarios to amount to something, they have to be implemented. In turn, that usually involves other people.……

Is tackling talent management one of your goals this year? Employees are becoming more demanding, and topping their list is professional growth and development. These are the employees you should be striving to keep. They want new challenges, interesting work, and the opportunity to develop new skills. Even if you don’t have the resources to implement a full-scale career development program, you can still provide your employees with the tools and……

Running a One-Man Show   Transitioning from working in the corporate world to working from home requires a lot of adjustments, but the biggest one is probably organizing your time. Because, in a very real sense, it is your time now. It’s not your boss’ time or the companies’ time—you answer to yourself. That’s a tremendous amount of freedom, but it’s also a great deal of responsibility.   You’re now in……

Insurance policies, in general, are directed against specific risks. Agriculture insurance is no exception. Whether you opt for farm bureau insurance, farm insurance, farm auto insurance, or horse insurance, there are risks you must be sure to protect your property against. It is likely that most farm insurance companies cover these risks but it could never hurt anybody to be sure and know how losses posed by these risks are determined……

Risk is an acknowledged and inescapable part of business – which means that risk management should be an integral part of a successful enterprise. By employing professionals or training members of your team, you reduce the possibility of misfortune, financial or personal.   It works by highlighting the possibility of failures in your business enterprise, and giving you the information to weigh up what level of risk is acceptable.   A……

Step 4. Record your findings.   If you have less than 5 employees then you do not need to write anything down. Although you will find it useful to keep a written record of what you have done.   If you have five or more employees, then you must put in writing the significant findings of your risk assessment. This means writing down the significant hazards and your conclusions.   Examples……

Has your sales team just completed its third record-setting month in a row? Did your advertising team pull off a spectacular campaign under a tight deadline? Have you just closed the books on your most successful year ever? One of the best ways to motivate your employees to continue working hard is to reward work well done with fun.   It’s a simple enough concept, and one that is central to……

The company newsletter hit Ruth Kenyon’s desk and there was her picture on the front page under the heading “Employee of the Month”. A simple paragraph of text explained that she had single-handedly reduced the debtor days from 39 to 32 in a period of 6 weeks. If others didn’t understand the significance of her work, it didn’t matter, she just felt a huge wave of pride sweep over her.  ……